frequently asked questions (faq)

Below are the most frequently asked questions about myUNISA. If you have any problem with myUNISA, please look if it is addressed here, before asking for help.
>> What is myUNISA?
myUNISA is an online teaching and learning platform for UNISA Students. It supports both academic and administrative tasks.
>> Who may use myUNISA, and what does it cost?
All currently registered students can create a myUnisa login. Costs are limited to your local internet connection.
>> Where can I find more information about studying through Unisa?
General information about UNISA qualifications and modules can be found on http://www.unisa.ac.za
>> I cannot access myUNISA. Is the server down?
Downtime notifications are published on the myUnisa main page.
>> I have forgotten my myUNISA password.
Use the Forgotten UNISA Password function on the main page to generate a new password.
>> How can I contact my lecturer?
Contact details for academic staff are listed in Tutorial Letter 101 for each module presented by UNISA.
>> How do I join into discussions with my fellow students via myUNISA?
Every module or group site on myUnisa has a Discussions tool loaded. Access the tool to engage with fellow students.
>> My assignment marks are not showing up on myUNISA!
Marks will only display when marking is completed. Allow at least 4 weeks from the due date of the assignment.
>> What should I know about submitting assignments through myUNISA?
Review the guidelines for submitting MCQ or File assignments.
>> Why do you accept text (written) assignments only in certain formats?
Marking processes at UNISA require that assignment files be submitted in specific formats.
>> I don't seem to be able to download study material for my courses. Why?
No all UNISA course have study material files for download. Online modules present their study material as web pages.
>> I found a bug! Who do I report it to?
Technical errors or bugs can be reported to myUnisaHelp@unisa.ac.za. Remember to include your student number in the subject. A print screen of the error will assist in a speedy resolution.

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